Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just Write

That's right, just write. Don't wait for inspiration or to have your thoughts all neatly organized; just put those ramblings down. Jot all your thoughts, words, descriptions, names of future characters, plots and story ideas down as they pop into your mind.
If you can, always carry a notebook with you, large or small, whatever is most convenient for you. If you have an app on your phone, put your notes there and add to it every time one of those fleeting thoughts come to you, which could be any time or any place.
I have been writing since I was about 10 and as a child wrote with wild abandon. As the years went by, I would write if I was passionate about something or for a college assignment or if an inspiration for say, a poem hit me and I would write it down immediately and it would be completed.
Over the years, I pretty much stopped writing or I would stop and start and never complete anything. My problem is over-thinking. I don't know when this started or why but it has literally paralyzed my creative mind. At least it has where writing is concerned. When I wrote purely, without such harsh self criticism and need for some semblance of perfection in my very imperfect world, I liked what I wrote. I don't think my writing was good enough to be published by any means, at that point. But, for some reason, it felt better and I got my point across in ways that at least sounded pleasing to the reader.
I have decided to just write is better than waiting till all your thoughts and ideas are perfectly aligned before you write. Writing (and reading) makes you a better writer. To not write is simply not an option.
Being present in your daily living, no matter how simple or mundane any given moment may be, can open your mind and help you write better. This morning, I purposely watched how I pour my coffee into my cup. Its seems like nothing but its evidentally a ritual for me. First I pour some Creme Brulee coffee creamer into the cup and two packs of raw sugar. I then add about a teaspoon of Vietnamese cinnamon and am stirring as I pour the coffee into the cup. Then I sit down to drink that comforting coffee and my day begins.
I never realized how much all the little things in life add to the wholeness of our lives. It seems I have spent much of my life on this earth waiting for big things to happen. Or hoping big things would happen : the big promotion that never happened, the beautiful home in a idyllic setting, etc., having a partner in life that truly valued me...
 While I was caught up in ridiculous relationships that I never knew when to quit until too much time was wasted, while I was struggling to raise my kids and work jobs that got me nowhere, I lost complete sight of all the little things. I see them now with the clarity of 20/20 hindsight.
The only way to truly enjoy life and not miss the little things is to be mindful of them while you are in those moments. It takes practice to slow down.
Its in this slowing down my thoughts and my life that I have come to the conclusion that it is better to write now than to wait and write later.
I may never become a published writer (that hope never dies) but I am sure someone somewhere will like to read something I write.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Finally Moved In

Well, it was a tough move even though it is only 6 miles from our previous residence. We had to be out by Saturday, Dec 1st but the new (old) place was not finished being painted inside and the carpenter left the molding off the walls and the stair railing unhinged from the wall. And sheetrock mud on the wood floors, dust everywhere and a 5 and 6 foot snake skin lying on the floor which is my step-son, KJ's room. The painter who incidentally is still painting at this writing and will probably be for another week at this pace, said he thinks the carpenter found these skins in the attic.
The worst part is knowing they had a month to get the place ready....
As my husband, his brother and I worked alone moving and cleaning the old place I started looking at my many "collections" with resentment. I am tired of hauling things from place to place. I felt sad and almost ashamed that my collection of mirrors, some very heavy made so much extra work for Kevin.
I made a vow to sell or give away most of my stuff. I want to simplify my life, and surroundings.
Zeus and Angus and all our cats, ( Calpurnia, Boo Radley, Rooney and Willie) love living on this property.They have run of the woods behind the house and the cornfields. Now they are so worn out they sleep soundly , completely spent. I am happy that my pets are happy.
 Every morning the sun comes up east of the corn fields a deep, dark orange that turns golden. It is a serene and lovely way to greet the morning.....

Monday, November 19, 2012


This morning is cool and gray and Angus and Zeus are barking at something unseen. Kevin and I are drinking our morning coffee and gearing up to sign the lease today for the farmhouse we will be living in come December 1st.
I bought some Pumpkin Spice Coffee Mate for my coffee; Kevin is a black coffee guy. Willie the cat is sitting on Kevin's lap on the front porch and I am inside enjoying the warmth of this cozy but too small house. It's only too small because Kevin's brother will be moving in with us before long and we need another bedroom. I am looking forward to a bigger kitchen and baking, something I have never done much of and am not good at-----yet!
The new place was built in 1920 and sits on 40 acres: a cornfield/ soybean field is on the right and cows on the right and acres of woods behind the house. The fields are rented to a local farmer but Zeus and Angus will have free run of the land and we know they will be in dog heaven!
 The gray, overcast skies are making way for some much needed rain here in the Carolina's. I am thinking of making a nice chili for dinner with cornbread but its not set in stone yet....